Everyone is looking for an online business that works. Just look at the ads you see. Many indicate that if you join with so and so they will do everything for you. You never have to talk to anyone, they close for you, basicly all you have to do is go to the bank. You get to spend more time with your family, tell your boss what you think of him and run your business for a few minutes a day or week from the beach. It sounds great where do we sign up!
If this is not your first online home business then you know that these promises don't make any sense. You will be working to get ANY online home business up and profitable.
Same goes for any brick and mortar business. Think about the small businesses you know in your neighborhood or town. Most of them are not in the homes of the owners but you know that those owners are working probably long hours to get their business going to get it profitable.
Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?
Common sense tells us that we cannot have a business of our own that someone else will make profitable for us. It just doesn't work that way. If it did why isn't everyone doing it?
There aren't more people doing it because there is risk involved and it takes drive and energy to make the commitment to have your own online home business. Those who have minimal income think they have to invest too much. Those with enough income but still wanting more income hesitate because they think it is too hard, takes too much time, or simply because a relative or friend told them not to.
What Are They Willing to Change
Anyway many people are right. They shouldn't be doing a home based business at all. A huge issue that I see is the fact that most people have lives that they don't want to change. Oh, they say they want more income, they want this and they want that but what are they willing to change to get those things.
That is why people fall for the: 'we do everything for you crowd'. Those people promise that once you join and pay the fees all you have to do is go to the bank and run your business from the beach or while driving a very expensive car. You have seen the ads. Oh also they have the only way of doing it. We have all the answers they say.
OK you don't want that. So what can you do? You really want a home based business you really want to change your income. And you realize that to change your income YOU have to change.
The saying comes to mind: If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting now. And that is the best case senerio.

An option I would like to encourage here is SFI, Strong Future International Marketing Group. A company with a 20 year track record of helping their affiliates make good incomes.
SFI, has a training program that gives you what you need to move you toward being an Internet Marketer a skill that I remind you could be used on a beach or in an expensive car if that is what you want. That combined with a residual income component allows you over time to make the income you really think you are worth.
OK SFI is great but the work. Yes, there is a learning curve, especially if you have no successful previous online experience. While you are learning at the beginning your income is very small. It is only as you apply your knowledge and begin to promote effectively that your income grows. And as your group grows and some of them learn and their income grows. Well then you income just goes upwards from there.
Change Your Life to Make Your Business Work
What am I saying here? SFI really takes a daily commitment, the restaurant down the street is open almost everyday isn't it? Your business needs to be open almost every day. It takes study and time. How much time? Who can say. How fast will you learn? How will you be able to use what you learn? How quickly do you want income from your business? How much are you willing to change your life to make your business work? All questions that will effect how quickly your success will come.
In an online home business what I like is that I can work when I want. I can spend time at different times of the day and night. I am not stuck to the bosses' schedule. I make the schedule. I could work around my full time job, child care, retirement activities. Whatever else is going on in my life. My schedule is flexible just as your will be with your SFI business. Join me now.
SFI Is Free to Use
Oh, the other big thing here is that SFI is free to use. There are NO monthly charges or any other charges. Now understand you can invest in your business and it helps a great deal and speeds up your advancement but there are no regular fees to use the training or the site at all. A BIG advantage for people in countries where there is little income. And excellent for those on fixed incomes in more prosperous countries. I'm going to strongly suggest you join the Zing Network and take full advantage.
Tie it together: People must change their ways to be really successful, but with SFI they can do it in little bits. Start off just learning and soon you are doing more than you every thought possible. Still skeptical? Good, click through and see how to start.