Saturday, April 28, 2018

Focus is on Shopping and Entertainment at TripleClicks

Yes the focus is on Shopping and Entertainment at TripleClicks.  When you come to TripleClicks you always think of shopping and savings now also think of entertainment.  

You are familiar with the shopping at TripleClicks the wide variety of items available from around the world.  I am certainly not a gamer but I have seen how interesting the games are at TripleClicks and how much others enjoy these games.   And further how the games can help your business.  

Rewardicals Encourage Everyone

The new Rewardicals encourage your customers to come, shop, save and collect the Rewardicals.  

Playing the games and using the TCredits gains Rewardicals  and when shopping Rewardicals are gained which your customer can save or exchange for an increasing amount of items.  

My personal game favorites are:  Grandmaster Poker, Zackjack and Knockout Trivia.  Not forgetting the new Brain Sprint and several others.  These games are all free to play.  Take time to read the rules and see how best to play and then get started.  

Above you can see that I won this Knockout Trivia a few days ago.  I am sure you can be a winner too.  Careful, I think you can only play 5 games free per day.  Click through and see what you can do.  

My best game is Grandmaster Poker.  Where you attempt to make three hands that score 1000 or more. Again, read the rules prior to playing.  With this game you can play as many games as you wish.   It should be my best game as of today  28 April 2018, I have 304 wins.  So you see once you understand the game you can win, it isn't impossible

The last piece of entertainment in TripleClicks is the Pricebender penny auctions.  When I first started with SFI I spent a good bit of time learning how to use them and took advantage of the excellent savings I was able to get on items for my business.  If I remember correctly I got 25 new members for $0.62 among other things at big savings.  Great savings for me at the time and it really got my business started.  

What it takes is time to study the rules and then watch the auctions and see what happens.  I learned from others on the forum, I studied it.  

Now that I have a larger group that needs attention and promotions to look after I don't participate so much in the auctions now.  Pity, I should do more of it.  Lots of great deals for all of us.  Click through to get started.  

The values at TripleClicks are clear.  Good prices from vendors around the world, and more coming on all the time.  Games and penny auctions to attract people, entertain them and give them great value.  And the Rewardicals that tie it all together and allow your customers to gather valuable credit and establish customer loyalty for your business.  

Monday, April 23, 2018

Secret to Make Your Affiliate Business Successful

Yes there is a Secret to Make Your Affiliate Business Successful.

Many different things I can put here but they are little pieces of the puzzle.  The most important piece is YOU the owner.  As you begin you are assaulted with information about how to make your business work.  What products or company to promote, advertising, helping your new affiliates, record keeping.  It can be a struggle.  

Sometime Everyday for Self Improvement 

You must start taking sometime everyday for self improvement is not only important but critical for your business.  You may read, watch videos, belong to a group that mentors new people.  What you do depends on you and your needs.  But you need to start doing it regularly.   

Sometime it it isn't just what to do that you need to learn but HOW to do it.  Our personal habits, our work habits are so important here.  Working all day and yet not much done?  Time to examine how you are doing your work.  Again if we talk I can help if you wish. 

The nicest thing about an affiliate business is that we just have to market.  The buying, storing, shipping, customer service, is all handled by someone else.  We market the products, whatever they are and unless you have much experience in this you will need to take some time to train.  

You need to learn how to promote.  You don't just slap a few banners and ads on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the money flows in.  Try it if you must but it doesn't work that way.   In fact you probably will end up in Facebook jail.  

An example:  Someone from my group was telling me excitedly that they had their first two sales.  I was pleased but wondered as I didn't think they were ready to even be advertising yet.  It turned out that their mother and a sister had bought from them.  Now that is fine but you need ads, you need a whole plan of ads and promotion that will gradually begin to attract new people to you and/or get some sales that will get that VP that we all need AND the commission income that everyone is looking for.  

So take a deep breath and start to dig into the training your program provides you.  Some are better than others.  As you see from this Blog I promote the new Zing Network but I also have other sources of information and groups  that are excellent and available to you if you ask for it.  Click the contact me link above and tell me what you need.  I am here to help you solve your problems, lets talk.  Don't let a small problem stop you earning an income that can help you and your family for years to come.  

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Affiliate Marketers Are Always Looking

Affiliate marketers are always looking for something new to add excitement and interest to the program they are promoting.  SFI, the new Zing Network, has followed the trend offering the Rewardical as a Reward your local and online merchant can offer their customers as a loyalty program.  

Encouraging not only sales but keeping the customer close to their merchant.  The rewardical ties all parts of the Zing Network together:  including an array of gaming, penny auctions, rewards, and shopping sites.  Everyone can find something that interests them.  

The affiliate's job is simply to encourage people to visit one of the sites.  Depending upon your interest as an affiliate you can choose from promoting 
Eager Zebra GamesPricebenders Auctions.  You can also promote any of the many items sold on TripleClicks along with the local merchants available on the Localvantia Search Engine and or you can promote the idea of the Rewardicals use promo code: 10eb6a5    to other businesses and to the customer.  

Once your new person has joined one of the Zing Network sites they can log into any of them with the same credentials.  

Lets say your new member joined to play games and enjoyed this.  They may have seen they are getting some Rewardicals and see that they can get more as they explore the items for sale in TripleClicks.  

They may see the great opportunity to get items at a great discount by using the penny auction at PriceBenders where you can also win Rewardicals.  

The point is your new person will have an opportunity to explore and find what they want and maybe will become an affiliate in SFI with you in your group.

Presently doing affiliate marketing?  Pep up your business with SFI, Strong Future International the new Zing Network and the Rewardical loyalty program.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Rewardical Token Program trending for online sellers, shoppers and affiliates marketers

The next biggest eCommerce trends for online sellers, shoppers and affiliates marketers is Rewardical Digital Token Program.

The Rewardical  Digital Token Program (RT) is the fastest growing E-commerce Platform where online business & store owners can list their store info completely FREE.  When Rewardicals bring sales for store owners, the store owner will pay a small portion of the retail sale. No sale, No pay.

A recent survey shows that 65% online shoppers looks for rewards or loyalty program for their next purchase.  They want to gain something extra that they may redeem on their next purchase.  Who doesn't want to get some free gifts from their purchase.  

The Rewardical Program expands opportunity for both local sellers and online sellers world-wide.  As a sellers you can offer powerful rewardicals  to your customers which will drive more sales, returning customers and potential engagements with your store. 

Many shoppers and sellers are giving positive feedback to Rewardical  Program as number one among other loyalty program because of it's core benefit offer and the customer service it provides. The biggest positive feedback for sellers is that they pay whenever they get sales through Rewardical Program.  No sales no fee. 

There are no monthly subscriptions costs, no sign up costs!  You pay when you get a sales.   A merchants can choose from .5% for some businesses upwards.  As a business owner you choose the percentage you want to offer, 1/2%, 1, 2, 3 or more percent.  As a new business you can choose a percentage you think will attract your customers.  And we do the rest.   

If you are an online store owner and want to grow your sales, expand your customer base and improve customer loyalty just plug into the Rewardical Program. It is free to Join.

And the best is yet to come for the online shoppers around the world can earn unlimited rewardical tokens while shopping at their local online or offline shops.  Shoppers also can earn unlimited Rewardical Digital Tokens by shopping world-wide from the listed store at Rewardical Program. And redeem your Tokens for the unlimited goodies including Bitcoins and Gift Certificates.


Shoppers click below to join.


The Rewardicals Program is a big opportunity for both shoppers and sellers.
Gaming can be great but by sharing this with your friends you can use your time and energy to encourage others to save and make money themselves.  You can refer people world wide.  I live in an isolated area of Labrador hard to reach from the rest of North America.  However I can still encourage others throughout the world to join, saving money if they are shoppers and increasing their sales if they are sellers.  

You can do the same if you live in a big city or a very small rural isolated place like I do.  It doesn't matter as we all have access to the web we can market anywhere to everyone.  So join and get started today and earn a unlimited lifetime income sharing the Rewardicals Program with shoppers and sellers. 

Affiliate marketers click below to join.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this program. Catch this eCommerce trend and help other online sellers, those running a brick and mortar business, shoppers and affiliate Marketers anyone who can benefit by this exciting Rewardicals Program.  Remember join for FREE.